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WoW Complete is a huge Hentai mod for World of Warcraft. It greatly changes how WoW looks. While most of this is cosmetic, this breathes new life into WoW. With Tmorph (not provided), you can even CHOOSE who you want to play! Murloc, Illidan, Sylvanas (who has been changed to a sexy High Elf) or any other character/npc of the game. 

WoW Complete is a mod meant for those 18 years and older who want a more hentai/adult experience. Playable races have bigger breasts, armor on players is far more revealing,  and many NPCs have been changed to wear a lot...less. Even some Demons/Legion (dreadlords/succubus etc) have been changed to female hentai versions. Another rather big change are Blood Elves (females). They sound cuter and younger (new voice actor), and they have new jokes (/silly) as well. The last big listed change here, are loading screens. Many loading screens have been replaced with a very sexy hentai variety, and you'll now want to load into new areas to enjoy them!


There are many more things that have also been changed to a more adult/hentai experience, so if this interests you, download the mod below! Be sure to get the Custom .exe (required) and Tmorph (for full experience, but not required)

These require only the custom exe to get the mods to work in-game. Tmorph is for extra features. They come virus free, and are very widely used by tens if not hundreds of thousands of users. One is a custom .exe, and another (optional) is a program to morph your character (or mount/item) to look like anything you want.


I make my character look like Sylvanas (made to look more High Elf like) and that is my main character. You may choose any other NPC and play as them, that includes even Illidan, any NPC that exists and you can be it. 


Follow the links to get the two programs, and follow the guide to show how Tmorph works.


registration required

Broken Isles Alt Load Screen (complete mod includes one, but this alt load screen is much more to my personal taste)

Dreanor Alt Load Screen (complete mod includes one, but this alt load screen is much more to my personal taste)

To install, overwrite the World of Warcraft folder. All folders inside the World of Warcraft folder (custom, sound, items, creature, character etc) need to go in BASE WoW directory where the .exes are. 
Also, the custom .exe goes in the main directory and that is what you use to launch the game. For Tmorph (optional), you have to launch the custom .exe and then run Tmorph after. I recommend putting both (at least Tmorph) on the toolbar for an easy launch, as you have to run Tmorph each time you completely exit out of WoW and then launch it again.
EVERY TIME THE GAME UPDATES YOU HAVE TO DOWNLOAD AN UPDATED .exe. If there is not one up, you have to wait. Same with Tmorph

These are models with more normal breasts. What comes in the Complete Edition is huge breasted and unrealistic models, so for those that don't like that, these should be a good alternative. I was using this (and will again) to start with, but the animations were buggy. I have since found a fix for that. I found the newest animation files that work, so the animations are now a newer version than complete edition.

If you already have a "character" folder from complete edition, just delete it and move this into its place. Otherwise, if you want to use this version, don't move the character folder from complete edition when copying the folders over and instead use this for character models. I was going to replace the complete edition with an update with this, but some people might like how it currently is. 

Enjoy :)

Updated 02-06-17 (big changes to code. If you got the mod before this version, its highly recommended to upgrade)

As an additional note, you'll get an error upon logging in with the new version of the mod (only on a Druid and only when logging in), just ignore it as its only an issue when logging in onto a Druid for the first time. 

Tmorph required.


Druid forms changed.


Cat, bear and Moonkin changed to use Sylvanas model (chosen since Sylvanas is my main character in WoW).


Travel form (land) changed to use Lunara (daughter of Cenarius). 


Travel form (water) changed to Lady Vashj

Travel form (air) changed to Val'kyr Stormbreaker

Currently no screenshots to present this.  However, there are a couple big changes compared to the original Complete. Mostly the same as the original, but I decided to upload it all in one as an alternate edition. The reason is, because otherwise there is too much manual work to do. 

The first is more similar to the original complete edition, is the body models used. This (like original complete edition) uses oversized breasts and unrealistic models. They are in a different style however than the original version uses, and many of the models are rather different. Its a love/hate thing, and you are welcome to still use the Alternate Character Models that is linked above this (they are still compatible with the armor mod). If this isn't to your taste, you can just delete the character folder and either apply the original or the alternate character mod provided on this page.

The real big change here comes from the "items" category (and why this is its own complete download). While not perfect, one issue I always had with a lot of modded models (and armor mods too) is the weird "robed" model that I personally find really creepy. The lower half of the robe is "invisible" (at least with the armor mod used in the original complete), and then the lower body takes the shape of the robe, but the body mutates into that shape of the robe and looks something like you'd find in a horror movie. 

Instead, this leaves the robe textures VISIBLE on the lower body (this mostly effects the males as the females use a robeless model and weren't really effected by the horror look), so it doesn't look creepy. Still a little bit buggy on some of the male models, but vastly better. On top of that, a lot of the armor is a lot more visible, instead of a 85-90% nude model with a tiny bit of covering, you can actually see most of the armor. A lot of it is still really revealing, and some pieces show...a lot...however the armor mod here, in my opinion, is a lot better. You can actually get an outfit made with transmog and see what the actual armor looks like (still a lot different than vanilla), instead of it being almost entirely invisible.

Both complete mods are good, and I'll personally probably still use the alternate character models that I provided separately. But, this should be a good alternative to the above, while still being a bit similar.

Argus loading screens for World of Warcraft. As well as a new Broken Isles loading screen.

Agithore's for World of Warcraft. This enhances the graphics and in some places will give the game an entire new look, though will definitely not be for everyone.

To install, simply put the .txt into the install folder for World of Warcraft and download+install Reshade directing it to WoW.exe (NOT the launcher). From there, select directx 10 and install ALL effects. If done properly, you'll see it preparing shaders as game launches. Simply press shift+F2 and press the + button toward the top (in home settings) and select the .txt file.

I also recommend turning off bloom by pressing shift+f2 and unchecking the bloom setting. I personally find the bloom is terrible for WoW in many places.

You can get reshade here:

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