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Did you enjoy Vanguard Saga of Heroes; the MMO from SOE that closed down? This private server lets you re-live the same experience (well, one day...). While the private server (on 4-18-16) is still being developed (and many things aren't implemented yet). You can check it out and see how its coming along. There is still a lot you can do on it! Vanguard was my personal favorite MMO, with amazing crafting, unique classes and an amazing world to explore. And, the animations at the time, were/are great as well and still better than most MMOs today.


This MMO went for an oldschool approach, so soloing isn't always an option (and grouping is heavily focused on. With that said, soloing is more than possible). And again, the server is feature incomplete.

Site includes full version of Vanguard Saga of Heroes, and a custom launcher to get into the private server. Again as a warning, the server is still in early development. But, it is playable.

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